What is past life regression therapy ???....Past life therapists in World on skype from India
Past life regression Therapy is a technique in we a therapist helps you to access your cellular memories , which you carried from your previous lives.This can be a physical complain or your metal distress, you good learning and your past talents.Reincarnation has been a theory accepted by many religions but not understood in psychology as to how it is related to the mind until recently.
Research in this area has come from hypnosis which is now being accepted as a valuable tool for healing the mind. Some of the research in this field has come from Buddhism, Hinduism and Einstein's theories. Buddhism and
Hinduism teach that the mind is the soul of man.
Einstein's theories have brought us another understanding of energy and energy fields and howmankind is connected to the universe. Because so much of the treatment in
the medical field today is based on the symptom and not getting to the sourceof the problem within the mind, there is a need to approach this area of healingon a holistic basis. Past life therapy explains why it is important for us to be
responsible for our actions and that the reason for our behavior is containedwithin our subconscious mind. This also brings another concept into focus that
all is mind and energy which is the essence of the soul.It's a beautiful journey to your past , which can help to bring back happiness in present life.
Research in this area has come from hypnosis which is now being accepted as a valuable tool for healing the mind. Some of the research in this field has come from Buddhism, Hinduism and Einstein's theories. Buddhism and
Hinduism teach that the mind is the soul of man.
Einstein's theories have brought us another understanding of energy and energy fields and howmankind is connected to the universe. Because so much of the treatment in
the medical field today is based on the symptom and not getting to the sourceof the problem within the mind, there is a need to approach this area of healingon a holistic basis. Past life therapy explains why it is important for us to be
responsible for our actions and that the reason for our behavior is containedwithin our subconscious mind. This also brings another concept into focus that
all is mind and energy which is the essence of the soul.It's a beautiful journey to your past , which can help to bring back happiness in present life.