Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Past life regression therapists in World.....09872880634

Past life regression to understand present life relationships.....past life therapists in World,from India

Disharmony and Malicious  deeds that leads to Karmic debt may or may not result in the involved souls being brought back together again. All  persons need to resolve their issues, but not necessarily together. Some times, particularly where there is an established relationship such as  son/father,son/mother, father/daughter or husband/wife,brother/brother, sister/ brother... the souls reunite to work out any carried over negativity. So if you have been involved in a spiteful break-up and you continue to harbor ill will towards your former partner,patrents, in-laws, siblings you may be back together again to work things out.
There are times when groups of souls reunite to advance common goals. The objective may be to develop spiritually. Whatever the purpose, the group compliments each other in achieving the goals. Sometimes a large group of souls reincarnating together to resolve Karmic debt incurred in past.