Monday, October 6, 2014

Ovarian cyst and it's root cause in past life , role of past life regression therapy...dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist , World

I am 28 yrs, suffering from  left ovarian cyst from two
 years. The  fear in mind and pain in lower body
 also become a part of life. Medical treatment 
was not able to dissolve cyst. Surgery thought 
used to make me sick and more fearful. I was
 in real turmoil.I decided to me 
dr.vandana raghuvansghi for other therapies.
 She suggested that fear and cysts seems to 
come together and it's seems past life
 carryover. We planed my past life
 regression session.
I regressed to a life in India,
 Rajasthan, 1910. A girl, very beautiful, 
poor parents. The landlord of the area 
was a forty year married man, As ,I grow
 up to 16 yrs , he asked my father to 
give me to her. My father a Rajput , refused.
 The next secne was night few man came ,
 my father told me to run and gave me
 a knjar [ small knife like thing] in my hand .
 I ran from behind door..heard shrill voices in 
pain of my parents and fire burning home.
 I was terrifred , intense fear, my leges frozen,
 churning my stomach, not able to run.
People was serching for me, I stabbed
 knife on left side of lower abdomed.
I was very angry and with intense pain
 and fear when my soul left my body.
Dr.Vandana helped me to forgive them 
and in light , my master light gave me 
understanding of that life , lession needed
 to be lerned and much more.
Immediately after session , I felt very light,
 as something left was ..fear.Very 
light in lower abdomen.dr.vandana raghuvanshi, 
advised to go for ultrasound pelvis, and now last week ,
 I get it done. It's normal . I am happy and at peace.
wonderful work...Navneet