Wednesday, April 2, 2014


One way to make sure you aren’t running away from your problems is to notice whether you are moving towards something that is exciting in its own right, as opposed to something that is appealing only because it is not where you are now. For example, if you are leaving a city because you feel you can’t afford it, you could be reinforcing poverty consciousness & you might find that you are unable to make ends meet in your new city as well. It would ultimately be less of an effort to stay where you are and look more deeply into your beliefs about money. You may discover that as you address these issues, you are able to make more money simply by changing your mindset. You may still decide to move, but it will be an act with a positive intention behind it & not an escape, which could make all the difference. 

Any pain involved in facing our issues is well worth the effort in the end. When we face our problems instead of avoiding them, we free our energy & transform ourselves from people who run away into people who move enthusiastically forward.