Thursday, March 6, 2014

Facilitator of Past life regression and Inner child in India

Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi, Past life therapist in India
Past life regression therapy helps you to:
•    Understand the causes of irrational fears and be able to release them 
•   Experiencing a happy and successful life time brings a sense of peace and encourages to work through temporary difficult times
•    Accessing the guidance from your higher self
•    Healing and clearing of Trauma
•    Understanding relationships and repeated behavioral patterns
•    Helps you understand who you are and what is the purpose of your life
•    Getting rid of curses and vows taken in another life time
•    Helps you to restructure understanding of our current life in the light of experiences from previous lives
•    Helps to understand that death is not a threat and you  wud not be separated from loved ones forever but merely travel to another place
•    Helps you to come out of  addictions like Smoking, Alcoholism
•    Strengthens the clarity of the spiritual nature of our existence