Monday, April 22, 2013

Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshu, past life therapist in Chandigarh, INDIA

Full Name:           Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi
Location:              Chandigarh (U.T), India.
Education and Professional Background:
                              MBBS, M.S (Surgery)
                              Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapist
                              Reiki Grandmaster
                              Pranic Healer
                             Magnified Healing
                             EFT Trainer
                             Vedic Medical Astrologer (Jyotish Praveena, Visharadh, Post Visharadh, Krishnamurthy
Healing Modalities:                            Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy, Distant Healing by Reiki, Pranic Healing for
                            Endocrine Disorders, EFT/ERT for Stress Management, Magnified Healing for Karmic
                            Factors, Healing and Disconnection of Unauthorized Cords, Recovery of Soul Fragme-
                            -ntation during Past Life Therapy
Experiences:                            Energy Healings -10 Years
                            Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy -5 Years
Type of Cases Handled:                             PLR cases, age regressions, antenatal regression, LBL (Life Between Lives), SRT
                            (Spirit Releasement Therapy) , healing of inner child, phobia treatment, past life therapy.
Any other relevant information:
                           Conducting Past Life Regression on Skype
Brief summary of interesting cases healed:
                           Kindly visit
                         Skype Id : light.divine1
Mobile: 09872880634