Tuesday, February 5, 2013

to release your past life carryover , which may be affecting your present physical body.....take a past life regression session by dr.vandana raghuvanshi....she takes sessions on skype ...if you can come chandigarh , you can take session in presence...both the options are with you...past life regression is safe and beautiful journey.....contact ...lightdivine28@yahoo.com or call at 09872880634

Past Life Regression Therapy is successful with a wide range of problems
Past life therapy has a wide range of useful applications in the healing process. It is often successful in treating difficult problems that have not been resolved by conventional therapy or medial practice.

Ø Past life as a catalyst for expressing deep emotions:
Ø Medical problems and unusual physical symptoms can be healed with past life therapy
Ø Past life therapy can reveal the source of emotional reactions in this lifetime
Ø Past life therapy can heal recurrent nightmares
Ø Past life therapy is essential to fully experience, express and release
Ø Past life therapy is needed for rescripting negative pattern to a positive one
Ø Essential aspect of healing is forgiveness dialoguing with past life counterpart