Tuesday, December 6, 2011

why you feels that you are suffering in a way, a past life regression experience, its findings, at past life regression center, CHANDIGARH, INDIA


A 47 year, women, came for plr, for ....Why her mother ( who was guiding her after death ~16 years) in dreams and other ways, stopped coming since ~2 months.
Session-  screening...An entity sunndenly came out when sreening of heart area was going on. told do not do this.
dr.vsr- whats  your identity ?
e.- i am her mother.
dr.vsr- why with her ?
e.- i love her too much. she loves me too much.
dr.vsr - wants to go to light?
e.- no. i had very troubled life. only she is the one i have. my other lives were also without love and lonely.i need love.
dr. vsr- why you was not guiding her since ~ 2 months?
e.-she learned about this ( plr). i know she will come to you. i donot wanted to go, so stoppted guiding her.i was hiding. but when light falled on me i have to come out.
dr.vsr-(discussion on karma theory and white light) in brief.
e. i want to go to light .
crying and silence on part of subject.
   released.  subject regressed two significant past - lives.
Re-orientation : 1. subject  read about past life regression on net ~ 2 month ago, got curious, a fleeting thought to go for it for some personal issue came to her mind.
                          2. she , only child, mother seprated and had tough time with all relations. for whole life.
                           3. she always used to wonder why her emtional reaction is duplicate of her late mother. according to her it was not her type of reaction, always landed her in some trouble due to her emtional reactions.
                                                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dr. vandana singh raghuvanshi, past life therapist, chandigarh,   09872880634