Sunday, October 30, 2011

nightmares and past life hypnotherapy: it helps to remove nightmares....

past life regression  involves serving as a bridge between past life traumas and present life problems.AGE REGRESSION THERAPY -helps in cleansing your this present life.It is very popular in urben class, they wants to be cleanesed of the deeds they did unkowingky/ kowingly, which can make a bad -karma in future.IT Industry working people are very much awre of the benefits of past life therapy in life, because they have good  intellect , they understand it well.a therapist is a guide for you.dr. vandana singh raghuvanshi, is an experienced past life therapist

Thursday, October 27, 2011

generlized weakness and its relation with past life :it can be your traumatic past life which carry the burnt in present life.past life regression is very populer worldwide.PLRT IS USED FOR RELEASING PAST LIFE TRAUMA BY INTERNATIONAL PAST LIFE THERAPIST.

AGE REGRESSION and PAST LIFE REGRESSION both are required for generalised not wellbeing feeling. The onset of this feeling can be suddenly in your life , at any own experience as a past life herapist says that the sudden unexplained mental/ physical discomfert  corrospondes to the age in your past life, when you had similar experience.I take person through age regression in past life , in these cases.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


FATTY LIVER and various liver disorder sometime does not resonse much to medical treatment.
I suggest past life therapy in those cases to release the root cause in past.
It helps in recovery.
---dr. vandana singh raghuvanshi
past life therapist, INDIA

Sunday, October 2, 2011

EPILEPSY AND PAST LIFE........A world-wide-used....past life regression therapy....

Any head injury, stagulation, past life can be the root cause of epilepy in present life.past life therapy is used internationally.very renowned
past life therapist in INDIA is dr. vandana singh raghuvanshi, she is dealing these cases in India.