Monday, May 2, 2011

OCD TREATMENT IN INDIA...ocd...onset of early childhood. they have tendecies towards OCD. small things like checkng alarm clock, door knobs, but nothing that inurrptes or interfere with day to day life. later on they become washer- wash so often that hands are cracked and bleeding in later life. sometimes OCD gets its trigger in stres during prengency and after delivery , if women is in stress, a stressful event is a initial trigger. thoughts starts raceing through mind and person becomes more consumed in thoughts. worried a lot about chlid or own overweight.then slowly " what life" tinking gets starts, then some times panic attacks, then fear comes. thuoght of" something happen" always upset them. this ruin their day, obession changes time to time., but commenly have to with germs, and compulsion of washing hands, urge to clean things that they feel have been contaminated. medical treatment at this time already started. other therapy which can helps is hypnotherapy and regression therapy. in INDIA at CHANDIGARH energy healing guidance takes cases of OCD for this therapy.....09872880634