Friday, August 21, 2020
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Break your Karmic Pattern in relationship issues with help of Past Life regression session... Read somewhere , like to share... A beautiful explanation on Karmic relationship - The relationship that drives people crazy with anger and frustration are from a past life. These are the people who really get under your skin and exasperate you endlessly. Very often, these karmic relationships are with people in your immediate family. Karmic relationships mean that you’ve had prior lifetimes with this person, and you both were sent back to be together to work things out peacefully. This was your soul’s choice, although it was probably highly pushed upon you by your guides and angels who helped you script out much of your life. Usually a karmic relationship is someone with whom you had a battle or other harsh circumstances. You returned together in this lifetime to ensure that you’d work things out, and clear both of your energies. If you don’t clear the energies in this lifetime, you’ll be pressured to continue to incarnate with this soul again and again and again. And each lifetime, his or her relationship to you will continue to be close, either through genetics and familial bonds, or through friendship, marriage, or career. So, that annoying co-worker could be your mother or husband next lifetime unless you clear the energy with her in this one. You’re brought together with the other soul so that you can forgive him or her. This doesn’t mean forgiving their actions. It means detoxing your soul by releasing anger toward them. You don’t have to hang out with the person, but you do need to release old pent-up toxic feelings. Holding in old anger is caustic and unhealthful. It’s also a waste of time and energy to blame that person for family dramas and your own upset. Blaming is a projection of our ego, where we don’t own our own shadows and ego issues, and we put them in the basket labeled: “It’s their fault.” And while it may be true that that person is the instigator of traumas, blaming him or her doesn’t help the situation and doesn’t balance the karma between you. Breaking the Karmic Cycle The first step to break this karmic cycle is for you to take responsibility for its presence in your life. Your soul agreed to be with this person because it was necessary for your spiritual progress. So forgiving yourself is the ultimate secret to healing everything in all directions of time. This involves forgiving yourself for entering this relationship whenever you did in the distant past lifeti
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Fear is the reason you resist life. You resist your own expansion because you are “fearful” of expanding. People want better lives but deep down they are afraid of leaving their present reality behind, even if it’s a miserable one. The mind wants to cling to the familiar, so it will cling to an unpleasant life situation also – just because it’s familiar. Clinging, or identifying, with a life situation causes you to resist the movement of life, and hence you start feeling stagnant or stuck.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Surrogate past life regression session...... A girl volunteered past life regression session for her sister. This session was for understanding the hurdle in the marriage of her sister. PLR Session...... There is a small house. A 15 year old girl is talking to a boy. This house is in the forest area. There is a small market. It seems very old times. It is night. She is entering the house. She lives with her mother. Her brother is beating her because she does not help them in any work. She is crying. She is my sister in present life. Next morning, she goes to the boy again and spends time with him. They love taking to each other. The boy works in a shop in the market. This boy is my sister’s boy friend in present life. Time goes on like this. One day she left the home and went to the boy in the shop. He is very upset that she has left her home. The boy has a horse. Both of them left the village on the horse. They started living as husband-wife at a new place. This place is much smaller than her home. They live in a small room. Now boy started working somewhere. After long time her mother found out and came to meet them. They did not talk to her. Her mother is crying. After sometime they have a kid. Now they are grown up and kid is grown up too. One day her husband died. Now when she is alone she always thinks about her mother. She died alone thinking about her mother. She wanted to ask her mother to forgive her. Her past life mother is her boy friend’s mother in present life. She is not giving permission for their marriage.
Trust issue , Headache and Past life Link…Session written and shared by subject who regressed…. Session I saw myself in a very green place with wooden houses. I was wearing some clothing that looked very rough and un kept. I realized it was a very old time sometime in 1700s. I was in Ireland. A male life. I had a humble wooden hut, some farmland which was very small and i had two horses. There were civil wars happening, i could sense disturbance and a lack of friendliness in everyone, everyone was scared of being open to communication, many houses were raided and people were being removed from their homes , their lands were confiscated , it was a time of trouble . I knew i had a family but i was always so busy with other men discussing the day today life as we were always alarmed, armed and had to protect the family. Everyone had decided that i would be the spokesperson of the area we lived so that we could reach a compromise and settle the issue without any bloodshed. I could see flashes of houses being on fire, killing & cruelty. Next i saw was that I was in green fields and there was a cliff where i was to meet a man from the other neighboring village and we were to negotiate and talk so that we could have peace amongst our two villages and unite. I was waiting at the edge of the cliff overlooking the sea wondering how beautiful it would have been to go back to old times when everyone lived in peace. At this point i was unable to regress further , Dr.Vandana asked me to look from above, I realized that i was no more alive and i was looking from above at myself being drowned in the sea. I was pushed into the cold waters , it was near sunset when i was pushed off the cliff and into the sea, I did not really drown in the real sense as i was a good swimmer, the water was so cold that the shock of cold water made my heart stop beating. I don’t know how can that death be described but it was the shock of being pushed off the cliff combined the freezing cold water that killed me. I was finding difficulty to move above , i had no strength and was feeling heavy . I had a very severe pain in my head , at the back of my head due to which i was finding difficulty in moving up. Dr.Vandana helped me reach the white light and help me rest , I told Dr.Vadana that my lesson was “never to trust anyone”. I tried to recognize the person who had killed me and I could see eyes who were very familiar, I knew who he was. I also had seen that i had hit my head to an edge of a stone or a part of the cliff while falling and i had got a head injury due to which i had such a severe headache. I was going through too much pain and agony, I saw my soul mates and also the master light , had a brief blessing from the master light which helped me in resting and getting relief from my pain . Re-Orientation… Dr.Raghuvanshi, Now that I think of the trust issue I have had in my relationships I see it has always been very deep , there are many more people who go through bad relations or have problems with friends but no one had become so extremely cautious as i was. I had recognized the flaw in me and i was doing my best to causing some part of my loneliness. I am glad that i regressed to this life as past life therapy helps you , re live and re experience all the pain and trauma and then it releases the issue for good, once you identify an issue in a past life session you release that pain and this therapy brings an understanding that this was a matter of the past and it is not going to happen again as a result we stop repeating our fear and we stop sending the universe the wrong signals. Thank you Doctor !!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
A past life regression session report from my PLR cases.... My Self is evaporated. I am stuck in my present life, why ? Case: A lady doctor, 36 married came up with the above lines. The relationship with father in present life wasn’t cordial since the beginning. Husband is a good man and earns well but I couldn’t connect with him since the starting of the marriage. She has constant feelings of sadness together with anger. Regression: She regresses to a life in the year of 1920, as a young girl from a well to do family where she was loved by her father more than younger brother. The father was murdered when she was around the age of 6-7 years, in front of whole family. After this event soon they had to shift to a very small place to live and face scarcity of money. Her brother was caught up into bad company. At the age of 18-20 years she was married to a 65 year old man for three (3) gold coins. She correctly and clearly visualized those gold coins. The old man had an old wife living in a big single room far away . Both of them were sick and died within the time span of 6 months. She was totally isolated and stuck in the house for 15 years and never come out. Then after 15 years her brother came to meet her and realized that she wasn’t able to connect. Her brother noticed that there was an emotional blankness in her and went away soon. She died living alone at the age of 34 years. When she was being buried her brother was there. Soon everyone dispersed but her brother was still sitting with his head bowed down in agony. It was raining heavily and she experienced herself sitting near her brother, seeing him, after she was buried. She couldn’t forgive him because he didn’t stand by her when she needed him the most. A lot of healing work was done only then she was able to move up. In LBL (Life between Lives): Master light came (orange color) and healed her for a long time. Guidance given was: 1) Have faith 2) Don’t get angry 3) Forgive Re-Orientation: 1) She felt that she was stuck up at only one place for 15 years, this feeling was very intensely felt by her. 2) Self is evaporated-this feeling corresponds to a long hollow in past life. 3) Brother in past life is father in present life. She felt this harmony in relationship since childhood. Note... A marked changes for good in herself and her life within one and half month after regression
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
This past life regression session is written and shared by person who regressed.... .what did i do wrong ? Too eager to know i called up Dr.Vandana and fix my appointment for my session, it was 3 ways away and i just could not wait.When i spoke to Dr.Vandana , she asked me to recite a sentence that would help me during my regression and also she asked me to meditate, now this was indicating something different from the rest of my sessions, i realized it is going to be a difficult session perhaps. On day of my appointment i reached the clinic at 1 pm , my usual timing and we started to discuss my state of mind and why i wanted to undergo the session and then i was asked to meditate .....It was there that Dr.Vandana told me that i was asked to meditate and recite those wording as there was so much eagerness, anxiety in my voice during the telephonic conversation that she had felt i needed to do a little homework in order to be able to regress easily. The best thing i have experienced with Dr.Vandana is that she reads your mind and she exactly knows where you need to go and what you need to know. While meditating i was taken to a state of trans and hence the regression started ,where i was in a garden and was supposed to meet someone, it was my present partner , he came and he was holding my hand so tight that i started to feel the pain , he was to go away and he wanted me to wait, he did not want to let go at this point Dr.Vandana started a healing work and with help of divine light she healed the session and freed my hand from him and asked me to move on .............I reached a tunnel of white light and before Dr.Vandana could asked me to enter the tunnel i had reached the end of it so She asked me to start looking around and regressing to where i would get my answers for this session.................. I was a man about 38years of age , very well dressed who smoked ......Very clearly knew that I was in London , i kept on looking at my pocket watch as i had an appointment at 2 pm with someone .............A very important appointment....the guy did not turn up which was making me very nervous & helpless, i started to feel a pain in my left arm and heart area to which i knew that i was having heart problem.... at this point Dr.Vandana asked me to go to the next event and i saw that i was home , a domestic help served me with a cup of tea in an English style ....I was waiting and i knew the person i was waiting for was my wife, the waiting was keeping me upset and grieving. The next scene was at supper, where my wife and my 8 years old daughter were at the table, my wife was saying supper prayers and my daughter and I were playing a little game, winking at each other and being just playful............. It took me a while to move from this scene and next scene was something i resisted to reach at , i was hugging my wife but i knew she did not love me, at this point i started crying and i said i love her so much and she does not love me and then i saw who she loved , my present life partner who was watching us and enjoying my misery and helplessness........The worst was he did not even love my wife but she knew nothing about it, she did not know that he was just using her. At this time Dr.Vandana asked me to find out why did he want to hurt me and when i regressed to earlier time in my life i saw that we were all playing soccer , i was very good at games, sports , studies and was the most favourite of all teachers, neighbourhood and he was a neglected child from a broken family who was not even good looking and had inferiority complex ....He hated me as i was too popular, next scene was that i had graduated from College and i was getting engaged to the most amazing girl in my community and we loved each other immensely .............Dr.Vandana asked me if this person was attending my wedding, i saw that he was not invited and was not in church however he was watching from outside. We were a happy couple and we were soon blessed with a baby girl. Next i saw was that i was to leave for an assignment which prolonged to about a year , at this time Dr.Vandana asked me to see how my wife met the guy..........It was during a neighbourhood get together or some kind of festival where they met and next they met for an evening tea at my place and at this moment i started crying again as he was holding my wife’s hand.............I cried a lot and then Dr.Vandana asked me to move to the next important event, which was the night i came back from work and i saw my wife and the guy in my bedroom.............I started sobbing, left the house, walking aimlessly on roads, felt broken , cheated and shattered............after 2-3 days i came back home. At this point Dr.Vandana asked me what that appointment all about was. The first scene when my regression started. That meeting was about hiring someone to kill both my wife and her lover and when the guy did not turn up i felt that all my plans would fail ..............Dr.Vandana asked me what happened next, you went home and were having dinner to which i answered that i never had dinner that night, i was just sitting at the table. She asked me what happened after that and i was refusing to answer , it took me a long time to talk and when i talked i revealed that i had killed my wife, with a knife, i slit her throat. She asked me did you run away after that i said no, i hid somewhere to see what happens next and as anticipated the lover had come, he was sitting by her side and shocked............and i kept on saying he is not having any feeling, he is not upset, he is not sad, he is just shocked, he never loved my wife. Next was that the domestic saw him with my wife’s dead body and eventually he was taken to a place which looked like prison and later i read from newspaper that he was charged guilty which gave me immense satisfaction and happiness....It felt like a bonus as i had not planned it but then he was punished. At this time Dr.Vandana asked me if i was feeling guilty and i said no, i had given her enough chances............. Dr.Vandana asked me to see how he was feeling so i saw him in jail, where he was sitting with his lifeless eyes, the same calculative mind, with absolutely no emotions or feelings however i knew he wanted revenge and he was just waiting for the right time..................I saw the same person for the second time in my regressions and each time he had the same eyes, emotionless....lifeless!!! Complex and EVIL. What happened next was that my daughter grew up and i fell more sick as time went by , she had become a nurse ..............I died in d hospital from illness related to heart and lungs A doctor, 2 nurses and my daughter were present. I was asked by doctor to see what happened to my body and i was very upset to know that my daughter had donated my body for research to a hospital , i died in 1940 and my daughter who was a nurse in India had donated my body to a medical school and i was buried after 1-2 months ..........I was very upset that without my consent my body was donated .............I was buried like an unknown person with no stone in some unknown place within the hospital...................then i stated that since in India they don’t burry the body, they did not know how to do it. After my death Dr.Vandana asked me to go and seek forgiveness from the guy , I went to him in jail and met him, forgave him and also explained him that i was hurt and it was him who started to hurt me etc., it took me a lot of time and eventually we hugged and forgave each other , for the first time whether in regression or in real life i saw life in his eyes and we smiled and parted ways then i left to join the divine light, i saw my soul mates and also the master soul, this time i was a greyish light not too bright so Dr.Vandana healed me with divine light and then the master soul blessed me too and i asked him about my soul mate again and he reassured me that i would be with my soul mate in present life. I did not ask anything this time from my soul mate as i knew he was busy finishing an un finished work so that we could be together. I rested in white light and received blessings ....................Dr.Vandana asked me to forgive my wife and my partner “s friend from real life who had helped my partner to plan my death but i was too tired and i told her that it was not required as that is what the master soul had indicated. It is so strange how we keep carrying impressions and how we plan to pay for our deeds ....I feel blessed to have been able to experice this past life....... Thank you Dr.Vandana
Monday, May 25, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
Friday, April 24, 2020
Interactions with others he/she of whatever age impacts ones thought process and action to different degrees and makes one question and rethink about ones own behavior. Helplessness is a source of endless sufferings. Optimism/Hope as against helplessness improves the quality of life one leads. Childhood, adolescence and education shapes ones future. Psychology is the science of addressing ones troubles/ mental illness and helps one to manage his/her life. It guides one to self discovery to live a purposeful life with passion. Break the social barriers, inhibition and consult psychologist as and when you start feeling helplessness. Seeking help contact m-9872880634
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Past life regression session.
Past life regression session.
Client came and said Dr Vandana ! why am I so protective of my brother? Why he has so many problems in his life? I wish to know the answers.
I am a girl. It is Europe. I am in front of a big house in a tonga. I am entering the house. I came after attending funeral of my friend’s father. My family is asking how it went.
It is breakfast time. My father is telling me it is time to get married. In the evening I am waiting for my friend. He came but looks upset. His father died. I told him my father wants me to get married now. He looks thoughtful. After sometime it is our marriage ceremony. I am very happy. We are going for honeymoon.
Few years passed. We have a daughter named Isabel. She is four years old. She is wounded. and we are going to medicine man. It is 17th century England. On the way there is an old lady asking for and trying to snatch money. She has a knife in her hand. She hit my daughter with the knife and ran away. We could not find her. We came back and cremated our daughter. Our home is very quiet now.
After few years I have a son. I am very protective of him. When he grew up he went to some big place to study. We both are going on tonga to pick him up. We are taking him home. We are very happy. My son is 17 year old. Suddenly the horse got hit with something and we all fell down. My son and husband got head injuries and are unconscious. I am trying to get up. Suddenly I saw the same old lady again and she is laughing now. I asked her why did she do this again to us. She said I am taking revenge from your late father in law. I will finish his whole family. She hit me with knife. She is checking to make sure my husband and son died. She ran away. My last thought was life is unpredictable. The old woman is my cousin and son is my brother in my present life. In light the masters said you have to let go your linkage to brother. He has to make his own path. His problems are linked to his traumatic childhood in present life. You gift him good books and do not take extra tension for him. He has to learn to help father. You only guide him and do not force anything. The masters are blessing me and my father.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Past life regression - an experience
Past life regression - an experience
I am a 20 year old beautiful girl. I am tall. It is ball. Everybody is dressed nicely. I am looking around. It is strange I am taller than most of the people even the guys. I am standing alone waiting for someone to ask me for dance but no one asked. Now I am sitting down. I feel lonely.
After few months I am attending someone’s wedding but feeling sad. Every one of my age is getting married. A funny looking guy came and is talking to me. I am feeling good as now I am not sitting alone. Later on he keeps visiting me at my place. I started liking that guy. We play chess together and sometimes get intimate. I think we continue like this for few years. Now I am in my 40s. He wants to get married but I don’t. I love him but not in that way. I am rich. I am managing my life very nicely.
He is getting married to someone else. Now we are only good friends. Initially he used to visit me with his family but later on he stopped. I am in 50s. I live a royal life but it is very empty and lonely. I don’t know how to be happy. Now I started writing. It gives me some purpose. I write romantic stories.
I got some illness, am looking very fragile and having medicine. He is always by my side. He looks worried. He kisses my forehead and tells me he still loves me. I feel I am about to go. I feel emptiness. I wish my next life should be a fulfilling life. My last thought was I should have developed some skill and helped others. He buried me and cried a lot. I am in light. I am receiving guidance from the masters that I should write in this life.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Understanding one's issues via past life regression
Understanding one’s issues via past life regression.
A young married woman came and told I want to know why I am emotionally vulnerable for another man. I know this person is a toxic and narcissistic person but despite all my efforts I still carry love feelings for him. I have a very happy love marriage then why am I creating chaos in my life. My all efforts have failed so I want to take past life regression session to release him from my mind.
I am a man wearing kurta and dhoti. It is south Indian culture. There is a big lawn in front of my home. Mostly I sit outside the home. I am 50. I feel I have retired now as my son is doing everything.
It is night time. I am lying on a cot outside home and thinking about my life. I remember my marriage time. At that time there were many people in this house. I am 19 year old. There is lot of decoration. I am entering this house along with my wife. We are in our room. She is beautiful. We look very happy and talking to each other. We are planning about our life.
Almost two years passed after marriage. It is time of our child birth. My son is born but I lost her. She is no more. This is a very big loss for me. All became dead inside me. Later on family pursued me to marry again but I refused as nobody can take her place. My life is just a duty now. I did not have any emotional attachment to my son. I sleep outside home, look at the stars in the sky and remember her. I always remember the promises I made to her but could not fulfill.
I am 55. I am no more. I died with the desire to be with her again. My wife is other man in my present life. There is lot of craving inside my soul to live with her again. Now I am going towards the light. There is a very bright light and I am asking for the blessings to be free from my past life attachment and be totally devoted and emotionally attached with my present family.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Repetitive pattern-past life
Repetitive pattern
A client came and told my wife was always good to me. Once I was sick she helped me so much. Now she don’t want to see me and she is not living with me. Why this happened to me I want to know the reason in my past life.
I am living in a small house with my wife and daughter. It is night time. I am talking to my daughter. Next day I am going for work. I am an engineer working at a construction site. I am checking some papers. I came back to home in the evening. I am talking to my wife. Next day a man came to us. He is my relative. We all four of us are going to the city market. It is India. I have a motorcycle so we are going in a three wheeler. My wife looks upset. A car is going nearby and she is looking at the car. She is telling me to buy a car now.
One day I was going on the motorcycle to market along with my daughter. (she is also my present life daughter and wife is also my present life wife). We met with an accident. My daughter got hurt. She got plaster on leg and stitches. My wife is very upset. My daughter is admitted. I am staying with her. When my daughter got discharged my wife came to pick us. She came in a car driving by herself. We are very quiet. Next day we argued a lot. My wife is speaking lot of things to me. It is very hurting to listen. We pushed each other. She is packing her things. She is taking daughter along. She is taking a three wheeler. The car is not outside our home. I feel it was someone’s car. Now I am alone. I keep on going for my work. After some time my daughter contacted me. They live in some hill area. I am arranging for her hostel admission. She is very happy. I did not meet my wife because I felt very hurt in last incident. Life is going on. My daughter is growing. I meet her in her hostel. Now I have a car. I go to meet her in car. One day she told me that my wife had an accident and died.
I am taking to my daughter about her marriage. She agreed. There is very good wedding arrangement. I am alone making the arrangement. I am tired but feeling happy. Now I am old living all alone. I have my three friends who are also old. I meet them in park and walk. One day in morning I died in my home. My daughter and my friends came and cremated me. My life was good but me and my wife did not live together. I am in the light and getting healed.
I understand that I am repeating the same pattern in my married life. I do hope i break the pattern now. Thank you Doctor Vandana.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
PLR session to find answer in past life
PLR session to find answer in past life
A client said Dr Vandana! I want to know about my past life relationship with a person whom I love immensely in my present life.
I am a 19 years old tribal boy. I live in a Kutcha house. The land is very dry. There is no water. There is another boy with me who is 16 year old. I am very much attracted to him. We seem to be very happy together. We hide around because we both are boys and have feelings for each other. He has much more understanding about our relationship than me. Now I am a grown up man and linked with religious activities of our tribe.
I am in some position of power. People started respecting me. It seems I will become priest later on. Time is going on. I started getting uncomfortable with our relationship. I always feel we must not be seen together. He has very strong feelings for me. My feelings are much stronger than his but my position does not permit me to express them openly. One day when he was getting intimate I pushed him aside. I also told him - you go. He was very hurt and left the tribe. I did not stop him. He is looking very sad.
Life does not make any sense after he left. I thought GOD will help me bear the pain I am feeling but my pain does not reduce. Life is going on. I am 45 years old now. I am in a temple. There is a black idol of Goddess. I think I am the chief priest now. I do not have a family. I am not happy. I am sitting and feeling very restless. I am missing my partner very badly. I am waiting for him but the he does not show up. I just keep on waiting. I know I lost him forever due to my action. I am a coward and could not carry on with our love relationship further due to the fear of religion. I do not feel the person will come. I am sad (visibly crying).
My life became very painful. I keep remembering that guy. I kept waiting for so long. I am tired of it now. I am going to sleep. I started walking away from the village. I keep on walking thinking about him only. My body is getting fragile. I reached near a river. It is evening I am sitting near the river and died. There was lot of sadness in me. My last thought was I lost my love due to religion.
Few hunters came by. They took away my belongings and burnt me. The person is the person I love so immensely in present life. He knows about it but ignores my feelings. I am going towards the light and asking forgiveness from him. In light guidance came he will not forgive me in present life also. I have to stop trying now and need to learn to be OK with everything that is in my life.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Why there is no love in my life?
Why there is no love in my life?
I am a beautiful teenager. I live in a small village along with my parents and brother. My mother does not allow me to go outside because I am beautiful. One day some royal person came, married and took me along. Now I live in a palace. He loves me. King has another wife also. She does not have a child. I am learning horse riding. Somebody comes to teach me. I am also learning how to run administration. I delivered a son. King is very happy. Queen, my mother in law, loves and favours me now. King is not well. The prince is 10 years old now. Now I run the administration. People talk bad about me but I do not bother. King is getting sick day by day. He seems jealous of my confidence. Now I do not have time for him even. He feels I never loved him. His other wife spends all the time with him only. One day king cursed me that I will never get love in life. After some time he died. King of Kalinga came along with lot of gifts and his army. He sent a message - you marry me, we will keep administrator here and when your son will grow up he will become king. Prince is only 12 years old at present. Queen and Rajpurohit told me to marry because we do not have any other option. Prince does not like it. We got married in a small ceremony. Me and prince are going to Kalinga with Kalinga king. The prince is getting good training to be a prince so I am happy now. There is a very big Shiva temple here. I go there. I spend more time praying Lord Shiva. My son is grown up. We are going for his Rajtilk. My prince is crowned and getting married. He now stays in his state. I came back to Kalinga. I died in Kalinga. I fulfilled my duties. The curse given by my first husband came with me that is why I do not feel love in my present life. In light I am healing and purpose of my present life is to serve people.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
An experience - Past life regression session....
An experience - Past life regression session....
I am always dissatisfied in this life. Did I ever live a contended life? I want to experience that life.
I am a nine year old boy. My mother is very beautiful. She puts a bindi on her forehead. My father is fat and tall. I go to some small school. I am now grown up and getting married. The marriage is in Rajasthani culture. I have a daughter now. I teach in village. My mother died. Life is going on. My daughter is grown up now. She wants to study. It is a very old type of train. I am taking her to a city. She found a boy there and we married her. She lives in the city only. My wife is old. I take care of her. Now she is no more.
I am in the boat. Sun is rising. I reached the river bank. There is a beautiful small village. I am going towards my hut. I am tall and thin. In night I sleep outside my hut. A young woman, my neighbour gives me food. People respect me. I roam in the village in day time. No one lives in my hut except me. I live alone but I am at peace. Sometimes I feel loneliness but I am contented. One day I died while sleeping. Villagers cremated me respectfully. My life was simple and contented.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Surrogate past life regression session
Surrogate past life regression session......
A girl volunteered past life regression session for her sister. This session was for understanding the hurdle in the marriage of her sister.
PLR Session......
There is a small house. A 15 year old girl is talking to a boy. This house is in the forest area. There is a small market. It seems very old times. It is night. She is entering the house. She lives with her mother. Her brother is beating her because she does not help them in any work. She is crying. She is my sister in present life.
Next morning, she goes to the boy again and spends time with him. They love taking to each other. The boy works in a shop in the market. This boy is my sister’s boy friend in present life. Time goes on like this. One day she left the home and went to the boy in the shop. He is very upset that she has left her home. The boy has a horse. Both of them left the village on the horse. They started living as husband-wife at a new place. This place is much smaller than her home. They live in a small room. Now boy started working somewhere. After long time her mother found out and came to meet them. They did not talk to her. Her mother is crying. After sometime they have a kid.
Now they are grown up and kid is grown up too. One day her husband died. Now when she is alone she always thinks about her mother. She died alone thinking about her mother. She wanted to ask her mother to forgive her. Her past life mother is her boy friend’s mother in present life. She is not giving permission for their marriage.
Monday, January 13, 2020
A wonderful past life..
A wonderful past life...
It is Russia. It is old times 1500s. I am a man with my wife in an old wooden house. It is huge land mass. There is no crop in the fields at present. I am very tall. My wife is my present life wife. I am very happy. I help people a lot. People are happy with me. I have three children. I am 80 years of age. I died peacefully. My last thought was... I was contended and my life was wonderful. The lesson I learnt that happiness comes with charity.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
What is blocking me in the field of PLRT
What is my barrier in taking my client to their past lives? What is blocking me in the field of PLRT?
I am a black lady in Africa wearing weird clothes doing some black magic and harming people. I am not a good person. I am very rude and harsh with people but they respect me. Tribals come to me for black magic and they are afraid of me. It is a very small tribal area from very old times. I live alone in a hut. The whole life I did wrong to people. I died at the age of 60. My last thought was that only if I can have some peace. The lesson I learnt that one should be mild and work for light. My body was burnt by the people. I am going into the light. A Divine figure is smiling at me and guiding me to work more on spirituality, be more humble and helpful.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Relationship issue and PLR session
She came to understand relationship issue with her mother-in-law and elder brother. She said, Dr Vandana! Why am I suffering due to these two persons in my present life?
I am in a home standing near my mother. I am a boy 17 yr old asking her for food. She gave me bread to eat. My mother loves me. It is night. I am studying. I have a sister. She switched off the lights. I hit her. She told my father. My father came and hit me without listening to me.
I am going to school. My school name written is St Mary’s. My class is 4 C. My class teacher calls me Arjun. In PT period a boy bullied me, hit on my face and my nose is bleeding. Principal called my father because that boy told the principal that I started fight. My father came and did not listen to me. At home he is beating me with his belt. My mother saved me. I am grown up now but my father always shouts at me.
My home is decorated. It is my sister’s wedding. I am doing some work and my father is abusing me. After marriage my sister is going. My father is crying for her. I went near my father to give him a hug and support but he pushed me. Now my father is very sad and not well. He died of heart attack. He is my brother in this life. This is my recent past life.
Now I am looking after the business. My mother and me now live peacefully. I am getting married. I told my wife she must respect my mother. Her name is Sweta. I came from the office and saw them fighting. I talked to both of them separately. I told them to live with love. They both understood. After some time my mother-in-law came to live with us. She dislikes me. She lived with us for six months and there was tension and fights in our home during her stay. When she returned only then peace came to my home. We again started living with love and peace. Now I have two kids. One day my wife told me that my mother-in-law is coming again to live with us because her brother does not want to keep her. I am very upset. There is always a fight in home again. My mother died. Time goes on like this only. My kids grew up.
My wife is coughing. There is blood in her cough. I called the doctor. She got hospitalized. She has a throat cancer. She died. When we were taking her body for cremation my mother-in-law started hitting me. She is telling that I killed my wife. She is my present life mother-in-law.
Things get worse now. My mother-in-law hates me more now and keeps on telling wrong words to me. One day we had a fight. Now she is old. I put a pillow on her face and pressed. I killed her. Now I am at peace. I do not regret it. My children are telling what you did. We cremated her. We declared normal death. Now my life is peaceful. My both children are married and settled. I died at the age of 90. Forgiveness work done before guiding to light. In light the guidance came that forgive them in your present life also, do meditation and prayers.
Reorientation….after session when she saw her mobile there was a message card from her brother. It was sent approx. at the time forgiveness work was done during the session. The card was having a picture of white dog and heavenly peace was written on it.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Past life with good karmas
Past life with good karmas
A client came for past life regression session and told Dr Vandana, I want to experience my past life with good karmas that is linked to my present life.
I am in a big building. It is a Metropolitan city. I am alone, very modern, wearing stylish overcoat. My apartment is furnished well. I am wearing a cap and sitting in balcony sipping coffee. It is dinner time now. I am sitting alone at the dining table. Someone is serving me meals. I am very happy and satisfied. I am thinking about my childhood. I am the only child from a happy family. I am well educated. I don’t feel the need for company of a guy and marriage. I don’t have any responsibility and botheration. I am very studious and rich. I am a professor. I am teaching huge crowd in an auditorium. I am confident. I am 35 very fair, have curly hair and always wear a hat.
I also educate poor, drunken and addicts. I have affection for them. I know they want to learn.
I am attending an international seminar on de-addiction. I am standing with high class delegation. I am wearing grey overcoat today. I feel I am very tall. I am wearing a pearl necklace. I am admired by all. I am a very important woman here. I came here to deliver a lecture. I feel very satisfied.
My life goes on helping people and living for a cause. I am very independent. In my apartment I have a wall full of beautiful and good books. Now I am old, satisfied and looks smart. I died while sleeping. There was no one around but I am happy. In my life I was a knowledgeable educated woman who helped others. I was people’s person. People adored me. My good karma was teaching people and helping addicts. The lesson I learnt is devote self to people. In the end my mind was very happy and peaceful. Lot of people attended my burial. They are respectful. My name was Rose. It is 1851. I am going towards light. In light I see my father. He is proud of me (visibly cried a lot). My father tells me to gain more knowledge and help people in this life also. I am receiving guidance from Masters, be confident, shine, help women and be good to own self.
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