Thursday, June 30, 2016

We all know a Smile is free...Like the Sunshine and the walk through your Soul journey with Smile...

Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi...Past life Therapist , India

Finding answers of present life issue in past life and LBL past life story...


A 35 year old woman came for past life regression to know why her husband committed suicide. She felt completely lost and helpless without him.  She came for regression within a month of her husband’s suicide. They were in love since she was thirteen years of age. She met him for the first time at 13, their eyes met and they instantly fell in love with each other. She started visiting his home at the age of 16 to take care of his mother who was suffering from cancer. She married at the age of 20 years. This year there was loss in their business. On his birthday, at 7 pm, her husband gave his watch to their 10 year old son and left home. She thought he has left to bring something as they were celebrating his birthday. When he didn’t return for some time, she lodged missing complaint with the police at 9:15 PM and at 3 AM he was found semiconscious. He told the police that he has taken poison. She met him last time in the hospital. He held her hand till his last. When he loved me so much how could he do such thing?

It’s a small village of clay huts, sand dunes & no vegetation in Rajasthan of early 19th century. I am a girl with long hair wearing yellow Ghagra and silver ear rings. We have 1 cow and 2 goats. A boy lives two houses away from our home. He always looks at me. I am 13 years and he is 16 years. He is my present life husband. Its night, few men carrying swords raided our village. All are crying. They kill my parents. They take away cow and goats. I am crying. Now an old man from the village is taking care of me. I call him Baba. He sleeps outside the hut. Now the boy and I talk to each other sometimes. I am still in my teens. The baba is very sick. People come and meet him. Now he is also dead. All of a sudden I am left all alone. I feel very sad. The boy looks at me from far but doesn’t come to talk to me because I live alone. People say I am an unlucky girl. Now no-body talks to me & no-body cares for me in the village. Early morning I cut my wrist. I committed suicide. Villagers cremate me. All except the boy have left. He is crying. In light master light came for guidance. She asked why her husband did this. Answer came he had this much time only.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

~Recurrent lower abdominal pain, Right ovarian cyst and past life link. She regressed two past lives in a single session..... I want to release my past life blocks that are causing me tendency of recurrent lower abdominal pain and right ovarian cyst. A 35 year old woman came with queries for past life regression session. Session…. ~~1st life I am a woman, walking very fast as sky is overcast with dark clouds and it is likely to rain heavily. I reach a house. It is an English house in some European country. My husband is at home holding a 2 year old baby boy. There is argument between us. I am not happy. I am three months pregnant. It is morning. My husband is taking me somewhere. He is holding baby. I am very upset. I am crying. Now we are with some medical person. I am being taken to another room. I am lying on a table in delivery position. It is abortion, very painful, all terminated. My husband brought me home. I am crying. My unborn child is gone. My husband is not able to understand what to do, as everything is at standstill at our home. I die within few months due to deep sadness. My husband is holding the baby. My body is in a coffin. There is so much pain in my lower abdomen (crying). I am cremated. My last thought is of pain in my lower abdomen (her hands were pressing her lower abdomen constantly). My husband places flowers on my coffin and speaks “Zule ! I am sorry”. (Healing done) ~~2nd life I am working in office. This is recent times. I hold a good position. I am returning back after office hours in my car. It is week end. I am going to meet my parents living far away. It is raining and dark. Road is not good. My car suddenly stopped. I am holding an umbrella and waiting for help on the road side. A big vehicle is approaching, I step out on to the road to be visible and wave my hand. The vehicle is very near and does not stop. It hits me. My lower abdomen, pelvis and thighs are crushed under the vehicle. The pointed tip of umbrella pierces my right side of abdomen and ovary. I am dead. My pelvis and reproductive organs are filled with small stones (she held her abdomen tightly, folded her knees and started to remove something for 5 minutes, her being in traumatic pain was visible, she had tears in eyes and lot of cell memory released during this time and finally her body relaxed). Guided to the light, master light came and she felt that the master light placed a white energy ball on her lower abdomen and her whole body became white light. She felt two divine hands handed over a small baby in her hands. There was smile on her face. Past was released and healed. Thank you divine.